Best websites for information and support for Feline Diabetes

There are many resources on the Internet when it comes to Feline Diabetes.

I will highlight some of my personal favourites and give a brief description of what you can expect there:

1) Feline Diabetes Message Board (FDMB): Any google search on Feline Diabetes will send you to the FDMB, owned by Dr. Rebecca Price. It is an amazing site for information on feline diabetes. Basically, they host a message board where people post questions about feline diabetes. There are many members that have dealt with feline diabetes for years, so the information is very good. There is also a community board, where people share stories etc. things not related to the health questions and concerns of feline diabetes. As well, there is a huge repository of information, from Janet and Binky's Food charts (listing of Fat/Carb/Protein/Phosphorus/FIber and calories for a plethora of cat food) to a FAQ section. It is a great place for a newly diagnosed cat owner to start learning; a true community of cat lovers! I have learned so much there and gotten so much support during many dark days.

2) Sweet Talk: This board was a spin off from the FDMB. One of it's functions is as a back up to the FDMB, when it goes down. Many people are dependent on FDMB for help, sometimes quite urgently, so this board was set up as a back up. It is also a community board, with message board for non diabetic pet discussion, prayers needed, photos, information on the folks using the board etc...It is a very warm friendly place, the moderators really try to make sure that people behave :). It is owned by Yolanda and her diabetic cat Goo.

3) Bonny Dune : This is another community board that was a spin off from FDMB. The owner is Jon and he dedicated the site to his first diabetic cat Patches. It is also a friendly, small community, with pictures, forums etc.

4) Gorbzilla: This board is owned by Lisa who had a diabetic cat, Gorb. It is also a community message board. There is an abundance of information on pet care and health, as well as similar forums to the other sites mentioned.

Any search will help you to find information on the internet on Feline Diabetes. These few sites are great places to start because of the warm, caring community found in each. Pet lovers love other pet lovers and if you want to learn and help your cat, all these people want to help you!