The bad news is that we are going to switch insulin. I guess the good news is that we have something to switch to.
The Lantus is not cutting it. It is inconsistent and driving us MAD. Actually this weekend, I think his numbers weren't too bad. We used to get a 2+ on the urine glucose and now we are at approximately 1/2 on the reading, so this is improvement.
This week on Lantus Insulin: Last Friday AM preshot was 32 mmol/dl. Evening preshot was 26.1. Saturday morning was 19.8 and evening was 19.7. I thought we were on a roll except Sunday morning we were at 26 again and at +4 we were only at 24/
Maybe we rebounded? Who knows?
So, I have spoken with our vetranarian and we are going to try PZI insulin. It is 100% beef and is only one amino acid different from feline insulins (amazing how cows and cats are similar!).
Hopefully we will start getting this under better control. I know we have some made progress but it has been 6 months and it is discouraging.
Wish us luck.
The Feline Diabetes treatment continues...